KFC Restaurant Mission

To KFC, nice-tasting merchandise and secured freshness are everything. KFC is open and honest regarding the standard of the merchandise. decide regarding the food and style Guarantee to you.

Meet the individuals

For the past forty years, KFC has brought you the nice-tasting chicken you recognize and love. It is one of those brands in fried chicken industry that is widely liked by the people.  KFC has a tendency to serve over twenty million customers a month  KFC has got thousands of staff members operating certain that each meal you’ve got could be a delicious one.

Exploring a KFC

Whether you’re in a big city or a small town, KFC’s chicken is freshly prepared in-store, following the same processes and quality standards to cook every meal, making sure you receive hot and deliciously fresh food every time

Vendor to Restaurant

Three weekly deliveries ensure that our items are constantly fresh at every KFC location. Five times a year, an independent auditor audits each KFC restaurant to ensure that our staff is following and upholding the tightest health and safety regulations. To ensure the handling of our chicken and other items and to ensure quality and freshness in every mouthful, every KFC restaurant adheres to a thorough wash, rinse, and sanitize procedure.

Animal Welfare

KFC only uses chicken that is devoid of hormones and steroids. To ensure that these regulations are strictly followed, KFC has an Animal Welfare Advisory Council composed of the best and most reputable professionals in the company and industry.

Health Friendly

It’s critical that you make educated choices regarding the food you eat. Therefore, KFC lists the nutritional facts for every dish on our menu on their website, and these facts are also available at any of the restaurants upon request.

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